
Oddin.gg's Presence At SIGMA Asia 2023, Manila: an exhibition stand and multiple discussion panels appearances

Published: 7/18/2023


We will showcase our products to Asian suppliers, operators, and affiliates in a city that has experienced rapid expansion in the betting and iGaming industry in recent years. Our team is looking forward to engaging in discussions about betting, odds, data processing, and all topics related to esports. We recognize that the event offers an ideal platform for networking and exchanging ideas with industry professionals.

However, our participation extends beyond mere exhibition. On the second day of the event, our team will take the stage to share their expertise on several esports-related topics. Under the theme "Sportsbooks & esports in the asia region," our team will deliver insightful presentations starting at 10 am. Vladan will kick off our stage presence at 10:30 with a panel titled "esports of today - is it just a distraction or a new vision of all sports?," igniting thought-provoking discussions on the current state of esports.

As Oddin.gg provides solutions to clients across all continents (with the exception of Antarctica), Marek, our Head of Partnerships, is the perfect fit for a panel discussion on the topic "How sports and esports differ from region to region," commencing at 12:30. His extensive knowledge and experience will shed light on the unique characteristics of various regions.

Lastly, Sasha, with his programming and technical expertise, will offer an expert viewpoint during the panel discussion on the intersection of AI and esports. This engaging panel, which marks the conclusion of the discussions block, will commence at 11:45.

The entire Oddin.gg team is excited about the SIGMA Asia event and the opportunities it presents to forge new partnerships and deepen our industry connections. We look forward to productive discussions, insightful presentations, and a memorable experience in Manila.

For media inquiries, interview requests, or further information, please contact: marketing@oddin.gg.

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